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EMF est l’acronyme pour ElectroMagnetic Field, en français Champs EléctroMagnétiques.

Les champs électromagnétiques sont généralement des flux/courants d’énergie qui sont émis à partir de sources naturelles( soleil, radiations cosmiques) et artificielles ( téléphones cellulaires, four micro-ondes, Téléviseurs, radios, WiFi, lignes électriques, etc…). Au début du 20th siecle, le réseau électrique s’est étendu à travers le monde. Bientôt les scientifiques ont contasté que les lignes électriques qui transportaient toute cette énergie émettaient des champs électromagnétiques. Avant cela dans l’histoire, la population humaine n’a jamais été exposée à la radiation des champs électromagnétiques (EMF).

Aujourd’hui nos corps sont exposés aux champs électromagnétiques de sources naturelle et artificielle. Les dommages causés par toutes les formes de radiation dépendent de notre exposition à elles. Par exemple seulement l’utilisation des téléphoniques cellulaires represente pas de grand risque pour notre santé mais l’exposition cumulative aux radiations à partir des téléphones cellulaires, WiFi, lignes électriques, des fours micro-ondes, des réseaux de transfert des données, ainsi que des autres appareils électriques domestiques peut un effet néfaste pour notre santé.

Why Fractal Antennae for Electroculture?

In our view, fractal antennae stand out as the optimal choice for electroculture due to their unparalleled efficiency in harnessing energy from the environment. These intricate geometric structures possess a unique property: self-similarity across different scales. This means that as you zoom in or out on a fractal antenna, you'll find similar patterns repeating themselves, allowing for maximal surface area within limited space.

This self-similarity characteristic of fractal antennae enables them to capture electromagnetic energy across a broad spectrum of frequencies, ranging from radio waves to microwaves and beyond. Unlike traditional linear antennae, which are limited in their bandwidth and efficiency, fractal designs offer superior performance by effectively absorbing and concentrating electromagnetic radiation.

Moreover, the complex geometry of fractal antennae facilitates the creation of multiple resonance points, enhancing their ability to resonate with ambient electromagnetic fields. This resonance phenomenon amplifies the energy-harvesting capabilities of fractal antennae, making them exceptionally adept at stimulating plant growth and optimizing agricultural yields.

In essence, by harnessing the power of fractal antennae, electroculture practitioners can unlock a potent tool for sustainable agriculture, maximizing energy efficiency and promoting ecological harmony in farming practices. 


Instructions for Utilizing Electroculture Fractal Antennae

To harness the full potential of electroculture fractal antennae, it's crucial to follow these precise guidelines for optimal performance:


  1. Mount the fractal antennae at a height of 1.5 meters above ground level. Secure them onto wooden sticks for stability and elevation. If wooden sticks are unavailable, alternative non-conductive materials such as plastic can be used. Under no circumstances should steel rods be employed, as they can interfere with the antenna's electromagnetic properties.

  2. Ensure proper grounding of the fractal antennae by connecting them to the earth using a copper wire. It is recommended to insert the copper wire at least 30 centimeters into the soil to establish effective electrical contact. For enhanced performance, consider attaching the copper wire to a copper rod and burying the rod deep into the ground. This grounding mechanism optimizes the antenna's ability to absorb and utilize electromagnetic energy for stimulating plant growth.

  3. Fractal antennae can be attached to a wire either by soldering the wire directly to the antenna or by using a 4mm banana plug connector. We have available both bare fractal antennae and modules with 4mm banana connectors.

By adhering to these instructions, you can maximize the effectiveness of electroculture fractal antennae, fostering healthier plants and boosting agricultural yields sustainably. Embrace these practices to unlock the full potential of electroculture in your farming endeavors. Please refer to the sketches below for proper setup.

Choosing the Right Antenna for Your Needs

Selecting the appropriate antenna is crucial for optimizing the effectiveness of your electroculture endeavors. Here's how to determine which fractal antenna suits your requirements best:

  1. Triangular Fractal Antenna (Sierpinski triangle): Ideal for Smaller Plants or Confined Spaces

    • Use the triangular fractal antenna for smaller plants, such as those grown in pots or containers.

    • In garden settings, the triangular antenna can still be effective but ensure they are spaced approximately 3 meters apart. This distance accounts for their effective radius of operation, which extends up to 1.5 meters.

    • These antennas are particularly suited for environments where plants are closer together or where space is limited, thanks to their focused energy distribution.

  2. Square Fractal Antenna (Minkowski loop): Suitable for Larger Areas and Robust Growth

    • Opt for the square fractal antenna when dealing with larger agricultural areas or robust plant growth.

    • These antennas exhibit greater strength and coverage, making them suitable for expansive fields or gardens.

    • When deploying square antennae, space them out at intervals of 5 to 6 meters apart from each other to ensure optimal coverage and energy distribution across the area.

    • Due to their broader reach, square fractal antennae are well-suited for environments where plants are more widely spaced or when dealing with larger agricultural plots.

    • When dealing with taller plants, the square fractal antenna can be mounted on taller sticks.

These recommendations are based on rigorous experimentation and testing, which have demonstrated the superior performance of both triangular and square fractal antennae in their respective applications. By choosing the right antenna for your specific needs, you can harness the power of electroculture to promote healthy plant growth and maximize crop yields effectively.

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